How To Utilize Facebook Marketing Videos For Success
Video Marketing

How To Utilize Facebook Marketing Videos For Success

It's important to employ the power of Facebook marketing videos in today's digital world. For those looking to capitalize on this growth, tapping into this market can still have significant rewards.

Video content has cemented its place in today's digital world and Facebook marketing videos are at the center. Statistics show that nearly 85% of all U.S. internet users view online videos, and popular social platforms have taken note. Back in 2014, Mark Zuckerberg predicted that Facebook would be dominated by video content within five years — and that prediction is on the brink of becoming reality. Videos have become a mainstay feature on our digital devices - whether it's a viral video or an adorable kitty video shared across social media, there doesn't seem to be a day without this combination of sound and motion gracing our computer screens.

Facebook is one of the leading names in online video viewing and it's growing every day. With 500 million viewers tuning in daily, it's clear that there are new opportunities available for brands who want to increase their presence on the web. To keep up with the competition, Facebook has been rolling out innovative features like Facebook Live and Stories, providing customers with fresh ways to watch videos.

For those looking to capitalize on this growth, discovering more about Facebook marketing videos are essential. While it may be hard to reach all 500 million people watching daily, tapping into this market can still have significant rewards.

Bonuses Of Utilizing Facebook Marketing Videos

Facebook highly favors videos. In fact, video posts achieve an organic reach that's 135% higher than image posts. This provides a major advantage for marketers who want to draw attention to their product or service. Despite the platform's mission of flagging meaningful connections between people, videos get exceptional engagement with over 300 million interactions per week. If you want your content to be seen and discovered, a Facebook video will undoubtedly help you meet this goal!

Video Marketing Avenues

There are 5 different kinds of Facebook videos:

-Facebook Stories

-Linked Videos

-Regular Facebook Videos

-Facebook Live

-Facebook Ads

As a Facebook marketer, you must make a decision when it comes to video sharing. Uploading videos natively allows you to access the benefits of auto-play and increase interactions and shares in user feeds. Plus, your videos are presented more aesthetically on this platform compared to other video types. Alternatively, posting links may not be as popular with some internet users, but there is one key advantage—you can extract analytics data about skip rates, total watch times for each segment of the video, rewind spots, and more. Ultimately, both options offer their own set of benefits so review your objectives when making a decision here.

Linked Facebook Videos

Facebook users have long been familiar with the ability to share videos through link posting. This was the go-to method before native file uploads were available. It's still a quick and easy way to get your video content out there--all viewers need to do is click on the link, which takes them to the host page of whichever online video platform you're using (YouTube, Vimeo, etc). Linking videos is an effective way to spread your content quickly via Facebook!

Original Facebook Videos

Native videos get 478% more shares than other types. Brands have taken note of this, so 90% of Facebook pages now use native videos. This is another interesting statistic to note. According to Newswhip, 98% of top-performing videos in 2018 were native.

Native video can be a great asset to your social media strategy - if done correctly. Here are the key elements to getting native videos right:

Start with a Clear Message: If a viewer doesn't know what your video is about from first glance, you've already lost them. Make sure that your title and thumbnail accurately depict what viewers will see in the clip, so you have their full attention every second. Tag your videos for maximum reach and ensure that your target audience will find it easily!

Long Videos: There's been research suggesting that longer videos do just as well as shorter ones on platforms like Facebook - don't hesitate to post entire shows or clips from one! Track data on viewership of different length posts and make use of this information when crafting content tailored to appeal to different people.

Relevant and Frequent Content is Key: For successful marketers, one of the most important components is giving their audience what they expect. Posting regularly and often will help make sure you stay top-of-mind with your target audience.

Delivering Original Content: Uploading videos custom-made for your viewers will help increase engagement. By doing so, you can ensure maximum success when it comes to utilizing Facebook’s algorithm for ranking your content.

Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories are an engaging and unique way to share content with friends, family, or followers. It’s been noted that this feature is great for content that’s meant to be more personal since people can interact with the content using Facebook Messenger instead of traditional ‘like’, comment or sharing options. With a Story, you can either have a photo or video up to 15 seconds long and it disappears after 24 hours. It's an easy way to communicate quickly and directly with your audience.

If you're looking to use Facebook Stories, keep this in mind:

Switch It Up: Make sure that your viewers get something fresh and new; it's best to feature events that have recently happened. Additionally, this is a great way to show off employees and company culture from behind-the-scenes looks. You may also want to consider using the feature for showcasing products or sharing news about your brand.

Going Live On Facebook

Live videos have become more popular and engaging in recent years. People are often compelled to tune into a Facebook Live video when they suspect that they may learn something new and exclusive, like the launching of a new product or service. Therefore, it is recommended that businesses leverage this medium to make announcements, show off products or services and interview customers or influencers.

Facebook Live is an appealing tool for marketers as followers receive notifications when content is broadcast. This increases the likelihood that viewers won't miss important brand updates, by making them aware of the stream. Additionally, audiences are able to engage with brands in real time via comments, further increasing their connection to the company. All live streams are saved and can be edited afterwards; this allows marketers to introduce content with captions and share it on other platforms.

Video Ads

With a majority of consumers watching videos on a weekly basis, getting your brand noticed through this content marketing type is essential. Facebook's Ads Manager offers three video ad formats that can help you reach an even bigger audience: Carousel Ads, which appear in a slideshow format; Sponsored Posts to promote existing video content; and Sponsored Stories for feeds. To get the most out of these formats, make sure to allocate an appropriate budget for each one.

It's important to promote popular and relevant posts in order to maximize engagement. For an extra boost, consider trying out carousel ads, which are a great way to show off striking images of products, employees, customers or locations. Don't forget to include a clickable thumbnail for maximum impact.

With Facebook being one of the most popular places on the internet its critical you start uploading your Facebook marketing videos today.

After getting an idea for your marketing video, contact me and I'll begin working on the project right away. Let's make sure your network is growing!

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